Thursday, October 17, 2013


Vessel to be Anchorage for loading with position :


Seasonal Period for Anchorage From January - July

Loading Anchorage Position :

  • : Lat 00-59-30 S / Long 117-17-00 E (Handy)
  • : Lat 01-02-01 S / Long 117-14-00 E (Panamax)
Muara Jawa Anchorage : 
  • : Lat. 01'-08.30 S / Long. 117'-11.00 E
  • : Lat. 01'-12.00 S / Long. 117'-18.30 E
Pilot boarding ground : 
  • : Lat 01-13-00 S / Long 117-14-00 E
(Please keep contact VHF CH.12 / CH.73 on vsl approaching)

Open Sea Area : Distance From Samarinda By Full Cargo On Barges Is 12 – 14 Hours Open Sea Area

Pilot Compulsory with VHF CH. 12

Distance from Samarinda by Full Cargo on Barges Is 12 - 14 Hours


Seasonal Period For Anchorage From July – December

Loading Anchorage Position

  • : Lat 00-15-00 S / Long 117-33-00 E (Handy)
  • : Lat 00-14-06 S / Long 117-35-18 E (Panamax)
Muara Jawa Anchorage : 
  • Lat. 00 - 28’-00 S / Long. 117-45’-00 E
  • Lat. 00 - 10’- 00 S / Long. 117-45’-00 E
  • Lat. 00-20’-30 S / Long. 117-38’-15 E

(Please keep contact VHF CH.12 / CH.73 on vessel approaching)

Open Sea : Distance from Samarinda by Full Cargo On Barges Is 24 - 26 Hours


Local Time : GMT + 8 HOURS (18:00 GMT = 02:00)

Weather Condition : Temperature Min 24 - Max 32°C, Humidity Min 67% Max 95%

Working Hours : 24 Hours/day, 7 days/ week shinc, ex. National Major Holiday

Panamax Or Cape Size Ships Gear/Gearless Acceptable

Water Density 1.019 - 1.021 Kg/lt
  • Loading Rate By Ships Gear (Grab) Abt. 9,000 MT - 12,000 MT All Running Well
  • Loading Rate By Shipper Gear (Grab) Abt. 4,000 MT - 6,000 MT All Running Well
  • Calculation loading by Draft Survey Method - Weather Condition : Moderate Sea - Depth Water 25 M - 40 M
  • International airport from Balikpapan And to Samarinda around 2,5 hour by car


Vessel to be Anchorage for loading with position:

Position                                                                 : Lat. 03’ – 58.0 S  / Long. 115’ – 31.0 E
Depth                                                                     :

            • +/- 14.00 Mtrs (Low tide)
            • +/- 16 meters (High tide)

Density Sea Water at Loading Port                  : From 1.018 Up To 1.021
Description of Cargo                                          : Coal
Working Hours                                                    : 24 Hours / 7 Days (except for Big Holiday or religious festival)                        
Water Density                                                      : Approx. 1018 up to 1021

Method of Loading Operation                          :

Caused vessel will be have loading operation at anchorage and shipper must be arrange the labour as operators crane for discharge cargo from barge to vessel.

So for the loading operation they will be used ship’s crane.  But for the example if at vessel didn’t have cranes same like as panamax vessel or cape size the shipper will be arrange shore’s crane (Floating Crane|) for loading operation and also same like as for Grabs Bucket.

But sometimes the shipper like used shore’s grab for loading operation caused they want to take about loading rate/days and than at vessel also have grab’s bucket on board but not used. (Depend with charter party between parties concerned) / Barge will be aside at vessel P/S & S/S (2 side if fine weather).

Loading Rate at anchorage                                                :

            • +/- 8,000 mt up to +/- 10,000 mt per days (GEARED)
            • +/- 10,000 mt up to +/- 15,000 mt per days (GEARLESS)

Main shipper                                                        :
            • PT Wahana Baratama Mining
            • PT Borneo Indo Bara
            • PT Bumi Dharma Kencana

Note       :

If Shipper  PT Wahana Baratama Mining Loading will use KFT ( Kalimantan Floating Transfer ) with loading rate :  25,000 – 30,000 mt/day.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Muara Pantai Port Information

Vessel to be Anchorage for loading with position:

Geographical position                                        : Lat. 02-09-30 N / Long. 117-29-00 E
Standard time                                                       : UTC +8 hours
Navigation Chart                                                 : Indonesia chart no. 254

Compulsory                                                        :

Good teacher for children

Hi Guys,

This day should be a holiday, but I still get in office. : (

so, I was just browsing all day at the office.

I love read, so I was idly browsing and open blog.

and tada ! I found a good article. This is it! : D

By Pauline Rose, director of the Education for All Global Monitoring Report. 

Worldwide, 250 million primary school age children are not learning the basics – even though almost half of them are in school. Studies in several countries have shown that many children spend two

Monday, October 7, 2013

Privacy Policy

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When ordering or registering on our site, as appropriate, you may be asked to enter your: name or e-mail address. You may, however, visit our site anonymously.

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What do we use your information for? 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Hi guys !

Last year, i have some trouble, actually a big trouble ! My laptop is can't start up, and then i try to find way to make it turn on. Start from manually, i surfing in google and searching everything. i try all way, but.. finally I'm give up. so, i bring my laptop to computer technician, and the and the problem is on the hard drive. i lost all my data, and its very hurting :(
Now, a will share you the way to keep your hard drive, and never experienced something, like what I experienced. 

Sunday, September 29, 2013

150 Teaching Method

150 Teaching Methods

  1. Lecture by teacher (as well as what else how do you do!)
  2. Class discussion conducted by teacher (as well as what else!)
  3. Recitation oral queries by teacher answered orally by students (then what!)
  4. Discussion teams conducted by selected student chairpersons (yes, as well as what else!)
  5. Lecture-demonstration by teacher (after which what 145 different techniques!)

Teaching Method

Hi !  I take this article from Wikipedia, with some modification, :)

Teaching Method 
Comprises the principles and strategies used for instruction. Commonly used teaching strategies could embody category participation, demonstration, recitation, memorization, or combinations of those. The selection of teaching method or strategies to remain used depends largely on the data or talent that will continues to be taught, and this might also be influenced from the aptitude and enthusiasm from the students.  

Main Verbs

Main Verbs
Main verbs will also be referred to as "lexical verbs".

Main verbs have that means onto their own (unlike serving to verbs) . There are a large number of main verbs, therefore we could classify them in many ways :
Transitive and intransitive verbs

Helping Verbs

Helping Verbs 

Helping verbs may also be referred to as "auxiliary verbs".

Helping verbs do not have which means upon their own. They are necessary for your grammatical structure of your sentence, however they will don't tell us quite definitely alone. We sometimes use serving to verbs along together using main verbs. They "help" the most verb (that has got the real which means). There are no more than regarding 15 serving to verbs in English, so we divide them into 2 basic teams :
Primary serving to verbs (3 verbs)


Here my friend presentation last week ! :)


Phonetics (pronounced /fəˈnɛtɪks/, from the Greek: φωνή, phōnē, 'sound, voice') is a branch of linguistics that comprises the study of the sounds of humanspeech, or—in the case of sign languages—the equivalent aspects of sign.[1] It is concerned with the physical properties of speech sounds or signs (phones): their physiological production, acoustic properties, auditory perception, and neurophysiological status.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Astral Project ?

Ceritanya tadi, aku lagi iseng belum pengin pulang dikantor, lalu mereka pada bahas tentang film insidious, sebenernya ga gitu suka film horror.. tapi ada sesuatu yang bikin aku jadi penasaran, jadi katanya di film insidious itu ada yang namanya masuk kedalam mimpi orang lain. hah ? Kedengerannya sedikit... menarik haha :D Lalu jadilah aku browsing, dan nemu istrilah " Astral Project"

Apa itu Astral Project ? 

" Astral project adalah pengalaman spritual keluarnya roh yang ada di dalam tubuh kasar kita"

Nah, serem gak ? pernah gak ? yuk kita telusuri selanjutnya.

Ketindihan (Sleep Paralyzed) adalah di mana tubuh kita tidak bisa bergerak saat tidur , misalkan anda sudah sadar ingin bangun , tetapi tubuh anda tidak dapat di gerakan . pernah ngalamin kan ?

Banyak orang yang mengira apabila itu adalah sejenis perbuatan Roh Halus . Tetapi itu semua sudah dapat di jelaskan ilmiah . Apabila anda sudah mengalami Ketindihan , yang pertama tama anda harus lakukan adalah , fokuskan pikiran dan santai .

Jangan sampai anda melakukan gerakan yang merusak Sleep Paralysed / Ketindihan . Meskipun tubuh kita lumpuh tetapi pikiran kita tidak lah lumpuh , Sugestikan pikiran anda bahwa roh anda akan keluar dari tubuh sementara anda .

Banyak cara untuk mendorong kesadaran anda keluar dengan sugestikan pikiran kesadaran anda seakan terdorong ke atas .

Dengan melakukan cara tersebut sebenarnya kesadaran anda sudah mulai keluar perlahan lahan .

Dan akhirnya roh anda keluar dari tubuh nya , biasanya anda akan melihat ada benang perak yang tersambung ke dalam tubuh anda yang terbaring .

Setelah anda keluar dari tubuh anda biasanya anda akan dapat melihat roh roh halus lain nya , tetapi jangan takut mereka tidak akan melukai dan menculik anda seperti dalam film INSIDIOUS.
Pada saat tubuh kita tertidur , pikiran kita jangan sampai hanyut . Dengan sadar atur nafas anda sembari tidur , lalu biasa nya anda akan langsung mengalami ketindihan .
Beberapa Kunci Sukses untuk melakukan Astral Project :
  1. Konsentrasi
  2. Fokus 
  3. Yakin
  4. Jangan Takut

Efek samping dari ASTRAL PROJECT.

Terlalu sering melakukan astral project , kalian akan semakin sulit kembali ke dalam tubuh kasar kalian dan kalian dapat berpotensi di kejar kejar oleh makhluk aneh , selain itu apabila sudah terlalu sering , Roh kalian dapat keluar sendiri tanpa kalian inginkan , seperti pada saat anda kelelahan , tiba tiba roh kalian keluar sendiri . Mungkin teman kalian akan mengira kalo kalian mengalami pingsan .

Cara Melakukan Pembayaran Biaya Kuliah di UNINDRA via Bank Transfer

Halo! :)

Aku mau sharing nih gimana cara membayar uang kuliah via bank transfer di Unindra, soalnya aku sempet ngalamin susahnya waktu ujian udah dekat dan pembayaran tunai (cash) udah gak diterima lagi. Atau kamu gapunya waktu untuk ngantri di bagian keuangan, karena kalian tau sendiri kan gimana antrinya? hihi

Maksud dari pembayaran via Bank Transfer ini bukan transfer lewat ATM yah teman teman, tapi yang dimaksud adalah setor tunai ( Cash Deposit). Karena pembayaran transfer sangat gak disarankan, kenapa ?
karena ada puluhan ribu mahasiswa yang transfer ke rekening unindra, jadi itu menyulitkan unindra untuk mendata setiap mahasiswa yang sudah membayar. Sedangkan kalo setor tunai, kita punya bukti yang otentik, dari kwitansi yang kita isi di bank, juga biasanya pihak bank akan menanyakan keterangan untuk uang yang kita transfer sehingga memudahkan si penerima uang.

Oke, ini langkahnya ! 

Berhubung unindra menggunakan Bank Mandiri, jadi datangi Bank Mandiri terdekat yah !
lalu, ambil form yang disediakan dari pihak bank untuk setor tunai, isi form lalu tambahkan keterangan di pojok dari form tersebut yah.

ini contoh formnya :


Nah, kita akan dapet 3 form kaya gini dari pihak bank Mandirinya, yang pertama untuk Teller, kedua untung kamu simpen dan yang terakhir untuk dikasih ke pihak unindranya. setelah diisi semuanya, nanti pasti ditanya deh transfernya untuk apa, nah kan ada kolom berita untuk penerima kan ? itu untuk ketengan yang aku bilang tadi. 

Nah, berhubung unindra punya 2 rekening yang berbeda,
  1. Untuk pembayaran SPP transfer ke nomor :121-0000-440-8344
  2. Untuk pembayaran selain SPP transfer ke nomor : 121-0000-440-8336 
Jadi nanti kamu ambil dua form rangkap 3, setelah melakukan setor tunai, kamu bisa konfirmasi ke pihak unindra paling cepet dua hari setelah pembayaran, dikarenakan pada hari itu uang baru bisa masuk ke rekening unindra. kamu kasih copy dari form yang kamu isi kemarin itu.
jadi kamu gaperlu takut dan bingung lagi kalo gapunya wantu untuk bayaran ke unindra, atau males ngantri bayar kuliah.

Semoga membantu ! :)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Why I'm here ?

Sometime i feel confused, when i lost my motivation.
Why i here ? where my spirit gone ? I don't know about that anymore.
My family is the first reason I'm here, but for the fact i don't give anything.
I have my special person, but he can't be be my spirit. he don't have motif for his life too.

so, what i can do now ? God.. i already too far from you.. Can you take me nearer ? 
Please god, don't let me too far. 
I want to back to my good live, my spirit and motivation.
Why I'm here,

Effective Listening and Notetaking

Listening and Notetaking 2


Listening is a skill that should be taught since eighty percent of what you know is learned by listening. This packet contains specific recommendations to help you listen to a lecture more efficiently. Efficient notetaking is necessary for students to have a record of lectures for future study and review. This packet gives a variety of techniques to improve notetaking skills including mapping. This information has been adapted from a variety of Study Skills textbooks. The last page of this packet is a bibliography of these textbooks.

Listening Tips

You must learn to listen effectively because eighty percent of what you know is acquired through listening. Listening is a skill that requires the constant application of certain principles until they become habitual.

Here are some suggestions: 

  • Be prepared to listen by keeping up to date with your textbook reading. Read the chapter before the lecture! 
  • Determine the main idea and all important details that were given in connection with it. 
  • Learn to recognize that the speaker is making an important point by:
- pausing
- giving examples
- repeating what has been said
- repeating the textbook
- increasing volume or changing pitch of voice
- taking more time on one area
- adding class activities or worksheets
- using body language (facial expression, gestures, posture, pace)
- writing on the chalkboard
- using direct statements (this is very important) or signal words
  (examples: significant, most)

Listening and Notetaking 2

Ten Ways to Improve Listening

  1. Find area of interest - maintain eye contact even if the subject appears boring. There will be some information that will be useful.
  2. Judge the content, not delivery. Find out what the speaker knows, not how he presents it.
  3. Withhold evaluation until comprehension is complete – don’t become preoccupied with rebuttal before idea is completely presented. Don’t listen defensively.
  4. Listen for ideas - main ideas, central facts, organizational patterns.
  5. Be flexible in notetaking.
  6. Work at listening - spend energy to give conscious attention.
  7. Resist distractions - a matter of concentration.
  8. Exercise your mind - develop an appetite for hearing a variety of presentations difficult enough to challenge your mental capacities.
  9. Keep your mind open - be careful of emotional impact of certain words - don’t listen defensively composing a rebuttal.
  10. Capitalize on thought speed.
  • Speech speed - 100-200 words per minute
  • Thought speed - 400-500 or more words per minute.
Take advantage of differential - do not allow distractions during this time.

Ten Questions to Ask Yourself While Listening

  1. What is he saying; what does it really mean?
  2. How does that relate to what he said before?
  3. Where is he going; what’s the point he’s trying to make?
  4. How is that helpful; how can I use this?
  5. Does this make any sense?
  6. Am I getting the whole story?
  7. How does this relate to what I already know?
  8. Is he leaving anything out?
  9. How does this relate to what I already know?
  10. Do I understand what he’s saying or should I ask for clarification?

 Listening and Notetaking 3.

Ten BAD Listening Habits, by Ralph G. Nichols

  1. Finding the subject uninteresting
  2. Judging delivery, not content.
  3. Allowing excessive emotional involvement
  4. Listening for details, not central ideas
  5. Using non-flexible notetaking
  6. Paying poor attention to the speaker
  7. Being easily distracted
  8. Avoiding difficult material
  9. Refusing to accept new ideas
  10. Thinking about irrelevant topics

How To Take Good Lecture Notes

A good set of lecture notes is one of your most important assets in getting ready for an examination. If you have the facts in readable form, you are well equipped to do the necessary
reviewing. Many students take notes in a very haphazard style claiming that they will copy them later. This is a poor policy for two reasons:
  • usually the notes don’t get copied and the originals are not much use after a few days or weeks have gone by, and 
  • if the notes are copied, it is a waste of time because they can just as well be done correctly in the first place.

Three important findings from studies concerned with notetaking:

  • Notetaking helps you listen; it does not interfere with listening and comprehension.
  • Students who study their notes using the recitation method remember one and a half times more after six weeks than students who do not review.
  • Students who take no notes or do not study their notes forget approximately 80% of the lectures by the end of two weeks.

Listening and Notetaking 4.

Good lecture notes must:

  • present a neat, attractive appearance.
  • indicate the main points of the lecture.
  • show the relationship of the details to the main points.
  • include enough illustrative detail to enrich notes and content.


  1. USE INK! Notes in pencil will smear and are hard to read anyway. Be sure to use a large notebook.
  2. Date your notes for reference in test preparation.
  3. Leave wide margins and don’t crowd your lines together. Notebook paper is cheap -never mind if you use a whole line for just one work. Plenty of white space is important in order to show the relationships of ideas to each other.
  4. Use notetaking shorthand to reduce as many ideas as possible.  Reduce to essential words - don’t use complete sentences. Use symbols as a substitute for words. Abbreviate by using initials, half words, creative spelling.
  5. Don’t take too many notes. Do more listening than writing.
  6. Don’t try to take down everything the lecturer says. All lecturers have to repeat a great deal, but you only need to put it down once.
  7. Don’t take down the first thing he says on any topic - it’s probably introductory material.
  8. Listen for signals. He’s almost sure to say something about “The first point I want to discuss today…”
  9. Don’t try to make a formal outline. You’ll only get bogged down in your letters and numbers and won’t be able to concentrate on listening and trying to understand.
  10. Underline the first main topic. Then write down, in list form but without numbers, the most important things he talks about. (Don’t try to make sub- topics and sub-sub-topics.)
  11. Keep on doing this until you find that he is talking about something else. Then you will know it’s time for another main topic.
  12. Don’t bother to number sub-topics unless the lecturer says: “There are three reasons…,” or mentions a specific number of facts. Then number them so you will be sure to learn that many facts when you study for your examination. In other words, don’t number just for the sake of numbering, but make the numbers mean something.
  13. Read your notes over as soon after class as possible to fix handwriting, spelling and clarity.

Listening and Notetaking 5.


The 2-6-2 Form of Lecture Notes


  1. Use lined notebook paper measuring 8-1/2” x 11” with three holes in the margin.
  2. Before writing on your note paper, divide the sheets the following way:
  3. Take your notes in the large, open section of the paper just as you would take notes ordinarily.
  4. When going over your notes, place key questions in the two-inch margin on the left. These questions will help you in your review of these notes at a later time.
  5. Write brief summaries in the section 2 x 6 inches at the bottom of the page. These will help you in your review, when you want to know general ideas, or which topics deserve extra attention (these are the ones which seem vague to you.)
In reviewing notes, use the questions and summaries as “talking” or “starting” points for
recitation. Go into the notes themselves only when you feel that you are not prepared to
develop the questions and summaries.

Listening and Notetaking 6.


  1. Illegibility - It is usually sufficient that a student can read his own notes. It is advisable to go over notes while still fresh in order to clarify any illegible parts. This is particularly important in the case of notes that had to be taken rapidly. 
  2. Points Missed - Leave spaces. Try to fill in later from the text or by checking with classmates or teacher. 
  3. Spelling of a Word Not Known - Write the word as best as possible phonetically. Code (Sp?) and check later. 
  4. Missed Lectures - When a classmate must miss a lecture and entrusts you with taking notes for him, use a piece of carbon paper and provide him with his own copy. Thus, there is less chance that he will be using your notes at times when you would like to have them available for review and also less chance of the notes being lost. If you must miss a lecture, your classmates can reciprocate for you. 
  5. Ink or Paper Supply Becomes Exhausted - A replacement might be obtained from a neighbor if it can be done quickly and unobtrusively. Otherwise the student should listen especially carefully and write the missing notes as soon as he possible can. Since forgetting is rapid when notes are not taken, it is wise to check paper, pencil, and ink before leaving for class.  
  6. Poor Physical Situation - When seeing or hearing is difficult, a seat change for the next lecture, or even during the same lecture, is in order. If a problem arises such as light glarepreventing students from seeing the place on the board where the lecturer is writing, the lecturer might be informed of this. He would probably rather be interrupted to be informed of such a condition than to have part of his lecture lost.  
  7. Poor Physical or Emotional Condition - Try to concentrate deeply on the topics of the lecture and to become very interested in them. Such practice may help a student forget minor physical discomfort or emotional upset by detracting from it for a while.

Here is an alternative way of notetaking:

Since the brain does not deal with data in a chronological linear fashion, and we do not listen
“like someone sucking up spaghetti”, mind map can show relationships and how the parts relate
to the whole. Mapping allows you to see the total picture.

  1. You need several sheets of blank paper, standard size.
  2. Print the main subject in the middle of the page and draw a geometric shape around it.
  3. All ideas plotted on a mind map should be expressed in just one or two key words.
  4. Key words should be concrete, meaningful, and summon up the same image or idea each time they are used. Strong nouns or verbs.
  5. Think of subtopics that will represent all the data. Print these on lines connecting to the main subject.
  6. The supporting points come after subtopics.

  1. The main idea is more clearly defined.
  2. The relative importance of each idea is clearly indicated. More important ideas will be nearer the center and less important ideas will be near the edge.
  3. The links between the key concepts will be immediately recognizable because of proximity and connection.
  4. Recall and review will be more effective and rapid.
  5. Structure allows for the easy addition of new information without scratching out or squeezing in.
  6. Each map will look different, aiding recall.


Deese, James and Deese, Ellen K. How to Study, 3rd edition, New
York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1969.

Lenier, Minette and Maker, Janet. Keys to College Success,
Englewood: Prentice-Hall, 1980.

McWorter, Kathleen. College Reading and Study Skills, 2nd
edition, Boston: Little, Brown, 1983.

Millman, Jason and Pauk, Walter. How to Take Tests, New York:
McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1969.

Pauk, Walter. How to Study in College, 3rd edition, Boston:
Houghton-Mifflin, 1984.

Schmelzer, Ronald; Christen, William; and Browning, William.
Reading and Study Skills Book One, Rehoboth: Twin Oaks
Publishing, Inc., 1980.

Shepard, James. College Study Skills, 2nd edition, Boston:
Houghton-Mifflin, 1983.

Sherman, Thomas M., and Wildman, Terry M. Proven Strategies
for Successful Test-Taking, Columbus: Charles E. Merrill
Publishing, 1982.